Chinese Zodiac

生肖 (Pinyin: shēngxiào), “Chinese zodiac”, is a classification scheme that assigns an animal and its attributes to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle. Of twelve animals, there are nine mammals, one bird (the Rooster), one reptile (the Snake), and one mythical creature (the Dragon, which probably also has to be classified as a reptile). Each zodiac animal has an associated Earthly Branch.

AnimalAnimal signEarthly Branch
I Rat
鼠 | shǔ

子 | zǐ
牛 | niú

丑 | chǒu
III Tiger
虎 | hǔ

寅 | yín
IV Rabbit
兔 | tù

卯 | mǎo
V Dragon
龙 | lóng

辰 | chén
VI Snake
蛇 | shé

巳 | sì
VII Horse
马 | mǎ

午 | wǔ
羊 | yáng

未 | wèi
IX Monkey
猴 | hóu

申 | shēn
X Rooster
鸡 | jī

酉 | yǒu
XI Dog
狗 | gǒu

戌 | xū
猪 | zhū

亥 | hài

More photos related to zodiac and sea glass @ Shutterstock.

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